Friday, April 8, 2011

Curcumin Not Just for Flu Aches and Pain

Curcumin is an extract from the Indian spice Turmeric.  I've been buying it for about a year now.  The reviews sold me on it. They say things like: Better than pain medicine, works for my dog, etc.

I have to admit that it doesn't cure pain as magically as I had hoped.  However, the one kind of pain that I did notice a difference in was the general body aches often associated with influenza.  It really makes a difference.

My understanding is that it helps with inflammation, and inflammation is the cause of most pain. But apparently there's more to it than that.  Curcumin may be helpful in preventing or treating cancer. Here's links to some scientific studies:

Curcumin stops the growth of breast cancer cells:
Turmeric component curcumin inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation

Curcumin may help prevent tumors caused by radiation:
Potent preventive action of curcumin on radiation-induced initiation of mammary tumorigensis in rats

Curcumin may help prevent skin and muscle damage caused by radiation poisoning:
Curcumin protects against radiation-induced acute and chronic cutaneous toxicity in mice and decreases mRNA expression of inflammatory and fibrogenic cytokines.

Doctor's Best, Best Curcumin C3 Complex - Special Discount Price.  First time customers will get $5 off their order.  Coupon applied at checkout.

Related Product: Zyflamend Supplement - A supplement for treating inflammation that contains Curcumin as well as other natural ingredients.

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